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Debeer head with a harrow shaft-are they compatible? and TOS?

Example of angled debeer shaft

Example of angled debeer shaft

Im looking at a debeer head, either the tempest pro, nv3, intuition, or possibly the stx crux but I want a tapered harrow shaft. How do I know if they are compatible cause I don't know what TOS is(some of the debeer heads are only compatible with TOS shafts) is TOS like stx 10 degree angle or.....?

You got it.

The 8 degree Transfer Offset System (TOS) moves the offset from the head to the handle for improved feel.

Check with your equipment distributor to make sure, but I believe that as long as your debeer head is not a TOS only head you should be ok.

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Apr 21, 2011
by: Anonymous

You cannot put a Debeer TOS head on a straight shaft. Heads like the Intuition need to be on specific shafts made my Debeer. They are offset by 8 degrees, STX by 10 degrees. So even an STX shaft would not be perfectly compatible. A Harrow shaft will fit in a Debeer TOS head, but it will be unbalanced and throw downward. Highly not recommended. Get a Defy, it is compatible with straight Harrow shafts.

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