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by Dave Cusson
(Port Alberni, BC, Canada)



The team is from Port Alberni British Columbia, Canada. They are midget aged players and have yet to develop the team synergy to hit a winning streak. On May 31st, 2009 the team came together and showed some determination lead by the Captain in the attached photo. They were down by 2 goals and came back to tie the game. The photo captures the essence of the game which was a hard battle. This photo did not result in a goal by the captain however soon after 2 goals were scored tying up the game. My son is on the team and I have been elected team photographer. This one turned out well!

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by: Dave Cusson

Just making a correction for the team. The player in the photo is not the captain. They both have the same helmet so I messed up. My apologies. The end result is leadership can come from anyone on the team. The players name is Corey and he was on fire amongst others that game. Great effort Corey!

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