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Glendale Lacrosse League

Glendale Box Lacrosse U11 Division, Fall 2007

Glendale Box Lacrosse U11 Division, Fall 2007

The Glendale Lacrosse League (GLL) was established during the summer of 2005 to assist the city of Glendale’s Parks and Recreation Department and the Arizona Sting professional lacrosse team administer lacrosse camps. At the time youth lacrosse was non-existent in Glendale. Since then the GLL began running full lacrosse programs throughout the year. Our original 35 beginners are now over 120 players, many preparing for their 5th season of organized, refereed, and instructional lacrosse.

Summary of Seasonal Offerings

Instructional Camps & Clinics - Summer and every pre season. Recreational and advanced instruction provided for Glendale Parks and Recreation, our own leagues, and other organizations with professional and locally trained coaches.

Box Lacrosse – Late Summer or early Fall. Recreational inter-league 6 on 6 play focusing on instruction, teamwork and sportsmanship. Played on roller hockey rinks outdoors at Bonsall Park in Glendale, or indoors at Castle Sports Club in Phoenix.

Field Lacrosse – Late Fall. Recreational inter-league 10 on 10 play focusing on instruction, teamwork and sportsmanship. Played at Thunderbird Paseo Park, on a lacrosse specific field similar in size to soccer and football.

US Lacrosse – Winter and early Spring. Competitive travel field lacrosse against the best in Arizona, the Arizona Youth Lacrosse League (AYLL). Half of all games will be local at Thunderbird Paseo, others will be in Anthem, Goodyear, and Scottsdale.


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