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Goalie axe handle tape job

by Zebadiah Smith
(Boise, ID, USA)

This is a way to tape the bottom 6-10 inches of your goalie stick to give you a better grip for those long reaches and to protect your stick from getting too bent from aggressive cage tapping...

Essentially you want to take 3-5 strips of athletic tape 6-10 inches long and twist them into individual cords; sticky side out. Then stack these along the back of your stick flush with the butt cap. Then begin to twist the tape on the roll (sticky side out again) and begin to spiral it around your stick to the end of your tape-spine. cut and repeat spiraling the opposite way (kinda so it looks like the handle of a samurai sword) Then wrap flat tape around it all from top to bottom and VIOLA! you have your warrior grip that'll help you chop those attackmen that come around the crease from X.

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