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High School Head Varsity Coach

by Tom Roessler
(Frankfort, IL)

Lincoln-Way Lacrosse Club is a successful program seeking a high school varsity head coach for the spring 2016 season. The head coach will provide a safe and productive environment that enables young athletes to learn and apply the principles of teamwork, discipline, dedication, and sportsmanship. As head coach, you will oversee the entire high school program.

The qualified candidate must be a college graduate with lacrosse experience. The club will pay for any certifications needed, but they must be completed by December 2015. The head coach is also expected to help with the summer, fall, and winter programs, develop coaching plans for all levels, mentor and assist with selecting coaching staff.

Candidates interested in this coaching-only position should submit a letter of intent and resume.

Contact for information: Tom Roessler, President.
Phone: (708) 259-5248
E-mail: tom@chicagopcinc.com

Team/school/org. site: http://lincolnwaylax.com/

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