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How to lay out a girls youth lacrosse field?

What equipment should we use for lining our field and what is the best way to approach laying out the lines. Can one person do it?


This is an excellent club question that I’m sure many clubs just starting will really appreciate, and anyone who is responsible for setting up the fields especially for the first time. It is so good it has caused me to add some info and resources to our site for your benefit.

To answer your specific question yes one person can line out, and set up a lacrosse field by themselves, but it is much easier with two or three. Two people can be stringing the field, and the third person painting. And if you have anyone else to help they can clean up behind the painter. If your field owner requires dry lines with powder then keeping the machine full of chalk is a job in itself.

We have added marking supplies into our store, things like Paint, Paint applicators, string, stakes, measuring tools, etc...

There are many types of field paint from permanent to water washable, and many variations in between. And they have formulas for natural grass or synthetic turf fields. Check with the field owner to make sure the type of marking they will allow.

You can find marking templates and rules and guidelines for marking the fields at US Lacrosse.

- Girls Lacrosse Field Layout
- Women's Lacrosse Field Layout
- Men’s Lacrosse Field Layout

1. Spend a little extra time making sure your field is square. If you don’t get the field square everything else will be off and more difficult.
2. Make sure you re-paint at least every two weeks, so you don’t have to re-measure. Way better to re-paint existing lines, then to start from scratch.

Look for more info soon.

Feel free to comment and share your tips as well. Good luck and let us know how it goes.


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Sep 21, 2012
Kit for doing the hard part
by: Laxer

You might want to check this out for the hardest parts of lining a Women's lacrosse field.


Mar 18, 2011
Desktop Layout Tool To Create A Square Field
by: Mark Hall

Getting the corners squared on the field of play can be made easier by using a desktop tool. Tru Mark Athletic Field Marker offers a free tool on request (email), Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with a template that automatically calculates the distances to the field intersections from three points on the field. Once you put the dimensions into the template it calculates the distances that will be used for two tape measures from the center of the field and end line behind the goal.

Mar 24, 2010
Field Lining
by: Mike Hodge-Snakes Lacrosse

Our organization hires a liner to set up our field for the first time and then we refresh about once a week this way we know it is as close to perfect as possible. If you have never done an initial lining you may waste as much paint as the fee to do the initial lining. Once you have your field set up a manual striper is about $120 and a case of paint is about $50. We usually consume about 4 cans which comes out $16 per week.

From experience I suggest you hire someone to do the set up.

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