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Lacrosse the Nations

by Laura Neumann
(Denver, CO)

LtN in La Chureca

LtN in La Chureca

Lacrosse the Nations is a pending 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Using lacrosse and the universal language of sport, we bring unity, hope, and joy into the heart of the difficult and impoverished communities worldwide. LtN is a collection of lacrosse enthusiasts bonded together by a common desire: to encourage, serve, and uphold kids through the sheer excitement of teaching and sharing in the game. LtN uses lacrosse camps and tournaments as a platform to teach children critical life skills and principles, helping children boost their self esteem, self confidence, and expose them to the simple joy of being a kid playing a new game.

We are forming our first partnership with the School of Hope in La Chureca, located in Managua, Nicaragua, to develop an after-school lacrosse and mentor-ship program for the children in La Chureca. Visit our website to watch a short documentary and see photos from our inaugural trip last January. You can also sign up for our email newsletter, which you keep you updated on ways that you can be involved. http://lacrossethenations.org/

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