OdorBalance Online Fundraiser
by Christine Zoll
(Baltimore, MD)
I found a great new fundraiser from a company started by a lacrosse player making useful cleaning products for the stinky lacrosse pads that we all have in our homes. It's such a novel idea. Get something you really need AND raise money for your team. And it's all online! My son's team just did it to raise money for team gear bags. OdorBalance was started by Drew Westervelt of the MLL Chesapeake Bayhawks, and they make Offense/Defense which cleans smelly athletic gear and then protects it from smelling again for months! I was amazed at how well Offense/Defense works. I HIGHLY recommend this new and awesome fundraiser. Go to www.odorbalance.com/fundraiser Totally worth it!
Lax Mom of No Longer Smelly Laxer
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