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Restringing a girls wooden lacrosse stick...

by Wallace
(Charleston, WV)

I have a girl's wooden lacrosse stick that needs to be restrung. I have called sports stores in Virginia but no one does it. I am willing to ship my stick away to have it strung - any suggestions as to who can do this?

I'm sorry for the delay on this question. The problem is I have never restrung a wooden stick personally, and I am not finding any real good resources on the correct procedure on how to restring a wooden girls stick.

I am hopeful that our vast community of readers can help us here and send you in a good direction.

Good Luck and Great question!

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Apr 03, 2013
Possible Resource
by: Anonymous

Not sure what make or model of stick you have, I have several myself. The hardest part would seem to be the gut wall on the open side of the stick. Were I to need to entirely restring a wooden stick appropriate for girl's lacrosse, I might attempt this:

There is a company in the UK called Hattersley's which still produces several models of girls lacrosse sticks (which are still legal for play). Most Cranbarry and STX sticks are really Hattersley's Viktorias. I might email Hattersley's and ask them if they'd be willing to restring a stick for a fee. Alternatively, I might attempt the same thing with Tuskewe Crafts, the company presently making Patterson's lacrosse sticks for the Tuscarora Nation.

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