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Naval Academy Lacrosse Camp was terrible

My son (age 13) attended the summer of 2011. A very disappointing experience. The young coaches (not Navy players at all) picked their favorite players and attempted to win the scrimmages. If you weren't a "favorite" your play time was very limited (my son didn't play at all during the "final" game). When I approached the head coach running the camp he said it was my son's fault for not demanding to play. I pressed him on this and then he told me I should go mention my issue with the 22 year old coaches. Very unimpressive.

On top of that, the rooms were filthy. Candy bars left in the beds, infested with fruit flies etc... The Naval Academy really needs to take ownership of this substandard camp that is occurring on their facility.

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Oct 13, 2011
Naval Academy Camp
by: Anonymous

While I can appreciate your opinion, I have to disagree. We've been to this camp two years in a row now. The boys are responsible for keeping their own rooms clean, and must clean them properly before they are released from camp. I have inspected my son's room both years and found it spotless. As for play time, I think we would all like to see our kids get more play time no matter where they are, but the reality of it is, they don't always, and at 13 (my son was in the same age group by the way) they should start learning to speak up for themselves, or that in competitive sports you earn your play time with your actions and attitude on the field (both in games and practice).

Having said that, both years my son has complained that the food was subpar, he's picky, but fairly easy to please, so that's something. We probably will not do the camp again (if they have it) but instead start attempting camps at the Universities he would most like to play at.

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