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What are some exercises/drills I can do to get in shape for lacrosse season?

by Casey

I played lacrosse for two years in high school, but I took this year off, because I wasn't sure if I wanted to play in college. But I really miss playing, so next year I want to try-out for the team as a walk-on. What are some exercises or skills and drills kind of things I can start doing now, to get my game ready for next year?

There are three phases of your game you should focus on in my opinion.

1. Get on the wall. Pick up a stick as often as possible and spend time working on your stick skills. Wall time is so important. Work both hands work moving and still. just handle the ball as much as possible. You can find some good wall ball info here: SimplyLacrosse Wall Ball drills

2. Work on strength and agility. You should be spending time both in the weight room, and on the field working agility and speed drills. We are working to put together some good training info. Look for that soon.

3 Conditioning. You want to make sure that when its time to try out for the team you are in the best shape you can be. If you get tired you wont be as effective and you can separate yourself simply by being in better shape.

Here is a nice off season lacrosse workout that I appreciate very much. https://www.simplylacrosse.com/offseason-workouts.html

Good luck and let us know how you are doing.

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Jun 07, 2010
by: Tyler

FIRST, never stop with the wall. here is a decent workout that will help with stick skills and movement:

RMU Men?s Lacrosse Wall Ball Workout
- This workout should be done 4-5 times per week.
- Pick a brick / spot on the wall, and hit that spot on every rep.
- You will start 3 short stick lengths from the wall.
- ALWAYS begin with your weak hand!
- Keep your feet moving, you should be sweating during this workout!

1. 25 reps ? one hand, top hand only ? hit the wall throwing and catching with your top hand half way down your stick.
2. 25 reps 1 cradle throw ? hit the wall, a quick cradle, then release. SPEED!
3. 25 reps ? stick fake throw ? hit the wall, a quick fake then hit the wall.
4. 25 reps ? quick stick ? NO CRADLES!
5. 25 reps ? around the back.

*Repeat with strong hand immediately, without rest!
* Time yourself ? compete with your times everyday.*

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